Saturday, August 4, 2012

How to Meditate When You Can't Sit Still

You've read the articles, watched Oprah, and heard it from friends: Meditation is good for you. Meditation is good for the body and soul, it is used as an aid to healing in hospitals over the world, is responsible for lowering stress and high blood pressure, addition creativity, and a host of spiritual benefits as well. And while this all sounds great you may be wondering: How can I learn to meditate when I can't keep my body or mind still for more than a few seconds?

The solution is Active Meditation. When most population think of meditation they photograph person dressed in loose, earth-toned clothing, sitting cross-legged on a mat in the middle of a forest while they chant vowel sounds for an hour. And while sitting in this manner and speaking a mantra is precisely a coarse recipe of meditation, known as transcendental meditation, it is precisely not the only method. Active meditation allows for body movement, in fact, it requires some movement as part of the meditation process.

Tai Chi, walking meditation, and Japanese writing meditation are all samples of practices that use straightforward body movements to bring about a meditative state. And while I personally have enjoyed walking meditations and Tai Chi, my favorite recipe of active meditation is coloring. Any art form that you are comfortable with can bring about freedom and meditation.

I have a friend that is an breathtaking artist and she told me that when she paints she goes into a state of unblemished peace; she says all colse to her becomes clearer, even the most mundane things like the colors of vase she may have had for years come to be engaging and vibrant. Isn't it worth giving active meditation a try knowing that such peace and happiness exists for you too?

Following are the basic steps involved in coloring meditations. Even if you don't bind to these steps exactly, you will still enjoy the freedom that coloring provides.

Step One: obtain your coloring pencils or markers and a coloring book (or download some free coloring pages); then select a comfortable place where you can be quiet for practically 30 minutes.

Step Two: Smile. holding a light smile on your face will help put you in a receptive mood for the meditation. Don't skip this step just because it sounds a diminutive silly. Science has proven that smiling, even when you are not happy, can raise the level of endorphins (mood improving chemicals) in your brain. So, start smiling!

Step Three: Flip straight through your coloring book and pick the first found that peaks your interest. Don't dwell on it, just accept your selection and move on.

Step Four: select your first pencil or ticket and then begin to color. No need to over-think the colors, in fact I'm always amazed at the color combinations I come up with during a meditation and how breathtaking they look together. I often find myself using colors I would commonly ignore and then loving the end result. Whenever potential let the colors select themselves.

Step Five: Watch the found take life with every stroke. Allow your self to taste the movements, hear the sounds of pencils on paper, or feel the markers as they glide over the page. As thoughts or pictures pop into your head (and they will) simply rejoinder them and then return your focus to the coloring. The coloring will always bring you back. With a diminutive practice you will find it increasingly easy to get into a deeply relaxed, practically detached state.

learn more here How to Meditate When You Can't Sit Still learn more here

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