Monday, August 6, 2012

Massage - Naked Or Not?

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Do you know about - Massage - Naked Or Not?

Holistic Arts! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

As a superior Holistic Massage therapist in the Uk, I've been following some online discussions with great interest. One consider that will probably go on ad infinitum is, "to what extent is nudity acceptable/necessary for a full body massage?"

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How is Massage - Naked Or Not?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Holistic Arts.

I superior with Itec, who give a clear message that 'towel management' is very prominent and that the "client's modesty must be protected at all times", with knickers or pants being kept on and only the body part being massaged exposed at any given time. In other words, the client is covered with towels at all times apart from the body part, perhaps a leg, or the back, that is being massaged. Opinions on whether or not this is the best advent seem to be greatly divided among my fellow professionals.

It appears that, in other parts of the world, it is considered quite general for the client to be naked, though regularly covered with a sheet, or perhaps a 'loin cloth' in the case of lomi lomi (Hawaiian massage). In the Uk, it seems that the word "massage" has, for many, sexual connotations which is how the problems originate. perhaps not surprisingly it is regularly the 'female therapist, male client' scenario in which most difficulties arise.

There are some possibilities regarding the query of nudity in massage;

therapist clothed and client partially clothed and covered,

therapist clothed and client unclothed and covered,

therapist clothed and client unclothed and exposed,

therapist unclothed and client unclothed and exposed, (naturist massage).

Of course, there may be other scenarios I haven't included, (maybe my imagination isn't up to it!). But as far as these scenarios are concerned, the possible problems include,

clients expecting more than 'just' a massage,

therapists feeling uncomfortable with a client wishing to be nude

therapists doubting the motives of the client,

therapists and/or clients feeling that a "full body" massage is compromised if underwear is worn and most of the body is draped,

some therapists being comfortable with naturism while others are not

As I said before, I'm sure this consider will continue and there are many differing and wide-ranging opinions. My own view is that the client should feel comfortable and his or her preferences accommodated, where possible, but this should never be at the charge of the therapist's own comfort. The intuition of the therapist is likely to be the best gauge of what is and isn't appropriate.

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