Friday, August 31, 2012

Stay-At-Home Moms - Proof Reading For profit

The colossal growth of the Internet has created a huge need for people who can proof read what is seen; no one wants to read articles on a web site that are not properly spelled and use poor grammar. This is excellent for the stay at home mom job who has an eye for mistakes and loves to read.

Proofreading a written document either it is a book, a web report or even a letter is a skilled job that requires you to have highly good skills in more than just spelling. A good proof reader cannot only spot spelling mistakes, but errors in punctuation and grammar.

For the meticulous person with a degree in English this might be the ideal job, you get paid well for reading and correcting errors. If you do not have a degree in English, there are free courses online such as the ones offered by Editorial Courses, that specialize in teaching the art of proof reading. The biggest requirement is that you have a love of reading and a knack for finding the tiny petite errors that the author missed, but will become glaringly inevitable once it is in print; the reading public is merciless when it comes to errors.

Once you think you are ready to look for work there are a amount of places online that hire freelance proofreaders; for example Online Reading Jobs or unmistakably who are all the time finding for freelance workers. There is abundance of work ready for a skilled laborer but you need to get people to observation you and the work you do.

There are many ways to advertise the type of work that you do, possibly one of the best is to build a website that showcases your work, with permission from the former author you can post copies of your work, showing the before and after, for prospective customers to see. Place ads in all your local papers and set up profiles on sites that join together freelance workers with clients. Join online forums of writers and become an active participant in the conversations, you can let them know you are a proofreader without unmistakably trolling for work.

One last thing you will need is a decent Pc, it does not have to be the most recent state of the art computer and it does however have to be capable of running any of the software related with your job. You will need to make sure that you have very good antivirus software installed and preferably a back up drive to store your work on. You should also have way to a fax machine and a good potential text printer since not all of your work is going to be online.

Although it does need a keen eye this job is tailor made for the stay at home mom who loves to read. Salaries for this type of work will vary greatly depending on the type of work you are doing and your experience, but it does pay very well.

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