Friday, July 6, 2012

The Dangers Of Lipitor

No.1 Article of Holistic Center Advertisements

Unless you've been living in a cave, you can't not have seen all the commercials for Lipitor, which is a brand name for a high cholesterol drug. If you've seen these commercials, then you know what the potential side effects and dangers are, since they are now required by law to make them collective in all commercials. However, if you haven't seen the ads, then this record will fill you in on the potential dangers of taking the designate drug Lipitor for your high cholesterol.

The first thing you need to know, before getting into the branch of Lipitor itself, is what high cholesterol is and why it needs to be controlled.

Holistic Center

Cholesterol is a fat like substance that builds up in our arteries. We do need a determined estimate of cholesterol in order to survive. As a matter of fact, there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. When the bad cholesterol levels start to build, that translates into more fat in our arteries. Eventually, what happens is that this fat hardens and clogs up the arteries. Imagine that fat that you drain off the turkey on Thanksgiving and drop into a cup. Check back in a day or so and it has hardened considerably. This is what happens inside our bodies. When that happens, we are prone to heart attack or stroke. What Lipitor does is reduce the level of cholesterol in our bodies. On the surface, this would seem to be something without consequences. However, as with most drugs, there are complications.

The Dangers Of Lipitor

Without getting overly technical, what happens to habitancy who take Lipitor is that, over time, usually no more than a consolidate of years, patients begin to exhibit symptoms similar to Lou Gherig's disease, or Als. This is a muscular degeneration that takes place. Studies have proven conclusively that this degeneration is a base theme in patients who are taking Lipitor for their high cholesterol.

The alarming part of this is that this is a base side result and not something that just happens to a few patients. When a base side result of a drug like this is so serious, questions need to be asked as to whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks. Inspecting that nobody has proven conclusively that cholesterol is as hazardous as contemporary rehabilitation says, the risks would seem to be unwarranted.

If you're concerned about what Lipitor might be doing to you, there is a straightforward alternative to lowering your bad cholesterol level. By naturally taking 2,000 to 3,000 units of vitamin C each day, you greatly reduce your risk of having high cholesterol. That in aggregate with lowering your beef intake should be more than sufficient to keep your cholesterol level normal.

The dangers of Lipitor are quite real. Consult with your doctor and get the facts.

To Your Health,

Steve Wagner

The Dangers Of Lipitor

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