Friday, June 29, 2012

Does all things Taste Salty? You May Be Dehydrated

###Does all things Taste Salty? You May Be Dehydrated### Advertisements

People have reported annoying experiences with a constant salty taste in the mouth regardless of how often they brush their teeth or how many mints they have eaten. The presume for this issue could be caused by separate reasons but your body may be reacting to being dehydrated.

Wellness Art

Your saliva may have changed due to the estimate of liquids you are consuming. It is well known that our bodies consist mostly of water and need to be fully hydrated for better health. Many sources advise that drinking several glasses of water daily is important to health and wellness. If you are not adequate drinking water, dehydration might be one root cause that has changed the combination of your saliva with the side effect being a constant taste of salt.

Water is the best fluid to hydrate the body. Since caffeine is a diuretic, it could be addition the excretion of water from your body. If you drink vast amounts of caffeinated coffee, tea and  or soda, your body may not be retaining adequate of the fluids you are consuming. There are several studies that have been done to solidify caffeine as a cause to dehydration, but more information and study is needed.

Consuming alcohol may even be more of an issue in the context of fluid retention. Alcohol in any capacity increases water loss by suppressing the hormones that work to digest salt and water into the body. When the natural cycle is interrupted, dehydration becomes more prevalent in the system. In addition, water lost straight through alcohol consumption can also accelerate the loss of other minerals that can lead to the natural balancing of fluids in the body.

So, if you believe that you are not retaining adequate fluids and that your body is reacting by changing your saliva, what is the next step? starting a daily hydration habit may be the best policy of activity to see if you can decree the issue of everything you eat taste salty. It is low cost, and relatively easy to do.

Take inventory of the estimate of coffee and soda you drink throughout the day. Begin to replace your caffeinated drinks with decaffeinated substitutes. Water is also easy to supplement through

the day and is less high-priced to your wallet. After a week or two, try to decree if you continue to have issues with everything you eat still tastes salty. If you believe this has not resolved your issue, you may want to consult a physician for other reasons that may be causing the symptom. Infections, medications and other factors could be the presume you have a constant taste of salt in your mouth.

In summary, dehydration may be one presume causing you to sense a consistent salty taste throughout the day. Although caffeinated drinks could be the presume you are dehydrated, alcohol is even more detrimental to the natural absorption of fluids. For better health and wellness there is no substitute for retention your body hydrated that plain old water.

Does all things Taste Salty? You May Be Dehydrated

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