Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Abdominal Massage Self healing Technique

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Do you know about - Abdominal Massage Self healing Technique

Holistic Arts! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The abdominal massage self healing technique gives you the occasion to contribute condition benefits to the internal organs in the abdominal cavity. This inhibitive condition technique will stimulate many vital acupuncture points placed in this region resulting in a therapeutic effect. This technique is important for any wellness program whether you are seeing to prevents disease or recover from an illness. It is also especially useful if you suffer from constipation.

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How is Abdominal Massage Self healing Technique

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Holistic Arts.

1) Lie down on you back. Overlap your hands on your abdomen just below your umbilicus. Your breathing should be relaxed and smooth. Stay in this position and focus on your breath for some minutes before beginning.

2) Bring your concentration to your hands on the lower abdomen. Begin rubbing your palm over your abdomen in a clockwise direction. Begin with a small circular pattern progressing to larger circles cover the entire abdomen. Perform 36 to 100 clockwise rotations. It is important to Perform the circular rotations in the clockwise direction because this corresponds with the direction of the Large Intestine.

3) Bring you finger tips just below your sternum. Continue breathing in a relaxed manner. As you exhale, gradually press your fingertips towards the spine. After each breath, move one inch down the town line and repeat gentle pressure on the next exhale. Your breath should be soft and relaxed. Continue as above, skipping over the umbilicus until you reach the pubic bone. When you are applying pressure it should never feel uncomfortable. If you find a tender spot press only to the point where you begin to feel discomfort. You may repeat some times to sacrifice the pressure pain.

4) After you complete the town line, complete three more lines about 1 inch apart down the left side of the abdomen.

5) After you complete the left side of the abdomen, complete three added lines on the right side inspiring superiorly from the base of the abdomen up towards the ribs.

6) Work along the lower border of the rib cage. Start from the lower border of the sternum and work laterally one side at a time. Repeat three time on each side.

Note that the flow of the pressure point application also follows a clockwise direction following the direction of the large intestine, down on the left side and up on the right side.

To receive the astonishing benefits of this and other self healing techniques it is important to convention on a quarterly basis. quarterly convention creates a cumulative result promoting profound freedom and sense of well being. Try practicing this technique in mixture with diaphragmatic breathing for even greater results.

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