Thursday, September 6, 2012

Decorating Tips Your Wallet Will Love

#1. Decorating Tips Your Wallet Will Love

Decorating Tips Your Wallet Will Love

Very few of us are born with a natural flair for decorating. We have to rely on handy hints found in magazines and tips from well-meaning friends. A lucky few are able to turn to interior decorators and style professionals to help them get their furnishings to match their curtains and lighting. Most of us, however, bumble along and hope for the best. There is some good news for those on a budget, or who are the proud owners of an eclectic mix and match jumble of furniture. With some innovative decorating methods, it's possible to originate gorgeous effects and not break the bank.

Decorating Tips Your Wallet Will Love

Marjorie Marcellus of The Art fabricate of California says that the key components of a thriving interior are equilibrium and harmony. To accomplish this, finishes and furnishings should communicate to each other holistically but needn't match in any other way i.e. Price, era, or quality.

Suzanne Wilkins from The Art fabricate of New York believes in mixing high and low fabricate elements. She says that the rule of thumb is to avoid placing a economy furnishing next to a more expensive one, especially if they look similar. Items that look similar will simply be compared and may make the less expensive item look even economy than it in fact is. The key is to keep lines straightforward and clean, which provides a simply expensive and elegant look to furnishings.

If clean lines don't suit your lifestyle or your furnishings then you can opt for a funky look. Funky items normally stand alone and speak for themselves. Wilkins advises that they be used sparingly as they add a lot of texture and colour to a room. Too many pieces will overwhelm the room and the identity of the personel pieces will be lost.

A straightforward and reasonable way to redecorate your home and revive its climate is to decorate the walls. Many citizen find decorating their walls to be a daunting task and either put it off completely or go overboard, filling up as much wall space as possible. In reality decorating walls can be a fun and painless taste for the whole family to enjoy.

Stencils add detail to walls. They're easy to create, quick to do and reasonable fun that children can also enjoy. Stencils can be used to originate depth or as frames colse to windows, doors, and wall art. Several distinct designs can also be used to serve as decorations in their own right.

Create a dramatic wall hanging by using a large piece of plywood and painting a word or a string of words that have a special meaning for you. Decorate the plywood and the surrounding piece of wall as you please and you'll have an interesting conversation piece to treasure.

Hang larger items on the walls to make rooms seem bigger. An embroidered rug or quilt works just as well as a painting or mirror. Unconventional items can also make interesting pieces to decorate your walls with. If the idea of plywood with inspirational words on it strikes you as too twee, maybe you prefer the idea of hanging some weathered driftwood that you salvaged from the sea. Dream-catchers that you and your children made on a summer's day can have pride of place in the centre of the lounge wall. You are petite only by the extent of your imagination.

Interior garnish needn't belong only to the very creative and very priced. As a realm it can be entered and conquered by any of us mere mortals so long as we use a petite bit of thought and coarse sense. Items that we use and see in our everyday lives can be given a fresh twist and incorporated in the revitalisation of our homes. We hold our creative power in our hands. Sometimes all we need is a piece of driftwood to unlock it.

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