Saturday, September 8, 2012

energy curative Your Chakras and Aura

No.1 Article of Holistic Center

Energy curative is an ethereal science. Among holistic treatments, it is one of the fastest growing techniques. Since the starting of man, this curative technique has been determined sacred and was used as a serious recipe of curative from illness.

We are all associated to the power of the universe. And, this is the main force behind spiritual healing. It is a place to which we all have a connection. It is not difficult to use this curative technique. But, as with anyone that is worth its weight in salt, it requires practice and dedication to learning its delicate nature.

Holistic Center

We as humans have the power that we need in order to heal our bodies from illness. If we contribute our bodies with the permissible tools, they are quite sufficient and able to heal. In order to heal energy, we need to channel it correctly. It needs to be applied to the parts of our aura that are broken or to the damaged areas of our chakras.

energy curative Your Chakras and Aura

Before we can do this, it is important that we first know what chakras and auras are. The word chakra comes from the Indian language, Sanskrit. Its meaning is disc or wheel. They are centers of energy. They run from the base of our spine and up through the crown of our head. There are seven chakras. Try to imagine your body's chakras as turning discs of energy. Each chakra has a color associated with it.

The 7 chakras are as follows:
Chakra 1 - red chakra or root. It is found in the adrenal glands and is associated with survival instincts.
Chakra 2 - orange chakra or sacral. It is found in the testes or ovaries and is associated with sexuality.
Chakra 3 - yellow chakra or solar plexus. It is found in the pancreas and is associated with digestion.
Chakra 4 - green chakra or heart. It is in the thymus and is associated with the immune system.
Chakra 5 - blue chakra or throat. It is found in the thyroid and is associated with metabolism.
Chakra 6 - violet chakra or the third eye. It is found in the pituitary gland and is associated with hormones and growth.
Chakra 7 - white chakra or the crown. It is found in the pineal gland and is associated with body rhythm.

Any one of the seven chakras can come to be damaged. When this occurs they need curative via a replacement of energy.

The aura is an power field. It contains varied colors that are associated with our spiritual improvement at any given point in our lives. An developed power curative practitioner can read auras and thereby heal them.

Many count on these gifted individuals to contribute relief from any type of disease. These spiritual healers are said to have helped heart break, grief from the loss of a loved one, and even cancer. These are just a few of the myriad of ailments that have been healed by use of power transfer. From time to time in our lives, we all need to heal from a crisis. A clear power curative session can contribute relief from pain, worry and stress while it harmonizes our corporeal and spiritual beings.

One society that teaches these ancient practices is the Chios design ( They are a non-profit society which teaches power curative free of charge.

one-time offer energy curative Your Chakras and Aura

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