Friday, September 14, 2012

Martial Arts In The Olympics

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Do you know about - Martial Arts In The Olympics

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London: 2012, the Olympic Games finally make it back to Uk shores, hot on the heels of the worst stepping back in living memory, and after what has been described as one of the many Olympiads in Beijing.

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How is Martial Arts In The Olympics

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Holistic Arts.

The Olympics automatically conjure up the usual sports, Athletics, Gymnastics, Swimming etc. But Martial Arts are also well represented, with Judo and Taekwondo firmly established as Olympic Sports. Judo has the longest pedigree, development its debut at the Tokyo Olympics of 1964, as a guest sport of the host nation, a tradition still practised today. Taekwondo made its debut in 1998 at the Soeul Olympics (you can probably see a pattern here!). In 2016, at the Rio De Janeiro Games in Brazil, another martial sport will also get a occasion to shine at the Olympics, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Taekwondo has fought well to retain its Olympic status, overcoming the threats to drop it from the last 2 Olympics in Athens and Beijing by promising to heighten the scoring and encourage greater 'explosive' action, which mean of the Ioc felt it lacked.

In Athens in 2004, anyone who had the misfortune to contemplate the Taekwondo events were left feeling wondering just how it could survive. Those of us that practise, past or present, Taekwondo know just how quick and distinguished this martial art can be. Primarily a 'kicking' art, it is one of the few martial arts today that still practise full contact, which is why you see Taekwondo athletes wearing an array of protection! Those kicks to the head and body are not pulled, they are real, full power, potentially lethal kicks.

It had all the makings of being the ultimate in Spectator sports......until Athens that is. What we ended up witnessing was top Taekwondo athletes standing off each other, bouncing around, seeing for the occasion to strike, but too afraid of getting hit on the counter and losing. The 'glow' of a medal proved too much, they were not only afraid to lose, they were afraid to even attack!! It sent shock waves around Taekwondo, and caused the Ioc to quiz, either it could continue as an Olympic Sport. The World Taekwondo Federation did a spectacular, job of convincing the Ioc that they could make Taekwondo more exciting, and at Beijing, they at least achieved an correction over Athens.

In London in 2012, I hope that Taekwondo can still take the next step, and originate a spectacle to give this martial sport the credibility it deserves, and to encourage more people to once again take this sport up.

Of all the martial arts, the one that seems to struggle to get in at every Olympics is Karate, which is a shame. The World Karate Federation is doing an admirable job of trying to unite all the styles, but with some many 'factions' claiming superiority, it remains a struggle to convince positive organisations to unite under the Wkf to bring Karate to the Olympics. Once again, it was short listed for London, but could not get the sufficient votes needed from Ioc members to grant it Olympic status, and so we once again are robbed of the occasion for Karate to show that it can offer something to the Olympics. The next occasion will be Rio in 2016, and I for one hope it can finally make it and have the occasion to show people just what a great sport Karate can be.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu makes its debut in 2016 as a guest sport courtesy of the host nation. But will it make it as an established Olympic sport? Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is legitimately one of, if not The fastest growing sport on the planet, offering a combination of Judo and primary Ju Jitsu, but with its emphasis firmly on ground fighting. It is a great sport, it's athletes are super fit, it is a lifestyle to many. But whilst many would love to see it as an Olympic sport, many also feel it can never compete with Judo. To the untrained eye, nothing seems to happen, two athletes grappling on the ground, seeing to gain an advantage and gain a submission. But I hope it can show people that it does have something to offer in Rio. With many Judoka and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athletes cross training, maybe this could help its cause.

It is great that many martial arts are gradually but legitimately getting the recognition they deserve, and whilst we can all accept they may never ever eclipse sports like Football etc, they have many worthwhile merits, which prolonged exposure straight through the Olympics can only help and perhaps persuade more people to try these sports or arts for themselves.

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