Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Higher Knowledge & Spiritual taste - What to Buy?

No.1 Article of Holistic Center

There are a thousand forms of mind. - Rumi

The goal of the mystical process is to help unblemished human evolution. The Sufi asserts that humanity is evolving to a higher spiritual condition and this evolution is purposeful and directed. The end succeed of this process is more unblemished people who are good able to serve themselves and others. Travelers gait toward this goal by entering a path to spiritual completion and are guided by a Master.

Holistic Center

The unblemished someone uses all their abilities, and straight through a policy of guided study, has added a quantum of latent spiritual capacity, to make the world and their society a good place. During this period of study, all human capacities are supplementary advanced so the individual becomes multi-faceted. This development and studying emphasizes physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth. This primary process of completion was perfected a millennia ago and has been called the Science of Man. In past ages, this development wore dissimilar garb; one of which was alchemy. The lead to be altered was the human condition, and the gold was higher consciousness. Today, many systems of human development exist and are clothed in psychological, self-help, and personal development formats.

Higher Knowledge & Spiritual taste - What to Buy?

In our culture, many are familiar with systems that teach about physical, emotional, and intellectual development; however, there is less familiarity and growing curiosity with studying systems that make our spiritual or higher nature. We have seen a proliferation of 'New Age' medicine, teachers, workshops, and gurus all who have something to teach us about our higher self and the inner world. This stream of inner palpate and studying exists alongside our primary religious systems. Sometimes there is friction in the middle of these systems and other times harmony. Some of these New Age systems have something to teach us and others want to take from us; how to tell the difference?

The focus of this consulation is to furnish a yardstick, to help the serious trainee make lively choices, and write back some basic questions complicated in a spiritual quest for higher knowledge.

What is the Outcome?

Before entering into any policy of study or learning, one must be clear as to the outcome. When we go to college or technical school, we graduate with a degree that is beneficial in our chosen field. It is similar in spiritual development. You enter into a principles that is focused on an outcome. Genuine mystical schools seek to make more unblemished people who are good able to serve by working in the world; using their added, latent, higher capacity.

Spiritual studies, in part, deal with states of consciousness and as the great Master, Rumi offered, 'there are a thousand forms of mind." Often, most travelers are unclear about the outcome of spiritual development and seek higher powers, inner peace, emotional happiness, or perpetual harmony. It is lively to expect to make powers, read people's minds, move objects with thought, heal the infirm, or never feel anxiety. Sadly, these are outcomes travelers expect and are disappointed when they are not forthcoming.

A unblemished Person

The purpose of any genuine mystical school is to help make a more unblemished person; someone who has added a quantum of latent, spiritual capacity. straight through guided training, gradually, the tourist aligns with their own higher destiny and the higher destiny of the universe. They share in the world and help make it better. supplementary spiritual capacity, abilities, and insights make to help guide and sway events agreeing to a higher plan and are outgrowths of higher consciousness. A spiritual scholar is not able to read thoughts to impress you, the scholar does this to display who they are and help make you perceive you have work to do. This capacity is a natural extension of consciousness and a purposeful, directed, studying palpate intended to heighten the student. The scholar has this capacity because the trainee needs it and in most cases is transitory. As needed, higher capacity comes and goes.

Higher knowledge, or spiritual capacity, exists within everyone. This is our birthright and already part of us. For many, this capacity is never fully advanced and lies dormant, sometimes, asserting itself in experiences that appear extraordinary. These might come in the form of a premonition or a dream that something will happen and it does. Or this palpate may take the form of a shift in consciousness where the tourist feels related to all living things. These expressions of the higher soul are like energy over runs that jump out, finding a way to express themselves. The higher soul troops its way into our commonplace consciousness; reminding us we are more than ideas, emotion and flesh.

What is Higher Knowledge?

Higher knowledge is knowing or that knowledge which is tied to the inner workings of things. This knowledge is aligned with the higher destiny and is a by-product of higher consciousness. This knowledge is purposeful and directed. It exists to supplementary the human condition. It is higher because it emanates from the higher plane; and is holistic, integrating and resides in the corresponding, higher quantum of the soul. Spiritual experiences are by-products of this awareness and knowledge.

After traveling the spiritual path, in time, the trainee becomes their own scholar and learns to direct their life from a worldly and spiritual perspective. Within a Sufi framework, students are not thorough into a mystical school unless they have ready them self and their inner motives are 'pure,' that is, relatively free of self-interest. This establishment includes a basic stabilization of emotional, physical, and intellectual health. Because at times, these capacities must be placed 'in a neutral state,' by the trainee or the spiritual impulse will not operate; and if the trainee does not have the capacity to achieve this, will not be accepted. The trainee must bring this stabilization, then, they can be taught how to palpate the spiritual.

Finally, as indicated above, before any of this can happen, the intention of the trainee must be 'pure.' What is meant by this is, is that spiritual capacity is not sought for personal gain. Sometimes, the trainee is unaware of their own inner motives and does not recognize a personal failing. Someone else aspect of lucidity is a burning need or hunger that can only be filled straight through this development. Some have termed this love or desire to be with the Beloved. It is tradition, only those who burn with love, are accepted.

What is Spiritual Experience?

Spiritual palpate and higher knowledge are part of this form of learning. They exist for a purpose, are transitory, and are to be used in every day life to help self and others. Life is a multi-level palpate and all our capacities are principal for the journey. Spiritual palpate is an enriching and enabling element, and forms the basis for unblemished living. We have a spiritual palpate so it can help teach, make us a good person, and we are able to more fully share in the world.

Spiritual experiences cannot accurately be described in words; they are comprised of an energy, or fabric, that is dissimilar than other forms of our awareness. Spiritual experiences are not felt like emotions, or understanding out, like an idea- but may be attached to our ideas- providing astonishing insights. Spiritual experiences are perceived by Someone else part of our consciousness, are holistic and integrating. A part of the trainee awakens, and this awareness, with its distinctive energy is unlike any other. Language cannot adequately enumerate what takes place, because like our palpate of love, this dimension is beyond language. If you have to ask, have I had a spiritual experience, then, you probably have not had one. Spiritual palpate and higher knowledge are their own measure. They are distinctively dissimilar than other forms of known energy and may be compared to high definition, cable television. The reception is stronger, brighter, and the colors are more intense. When viewing high definition television, you know you are not receiving the thorough signal.

What the scholar Offers

When you go to a spiritual Master, if you are fortunate enough to have been called by one, the true scholar will not offer mystical states, capacity to read minds or visions of the future. He/she will furnish a principles of studying and human development which is intended to make a better, more unblemished person. Your spiritual responsibilities will be in addition to other duties. If you meet someone and they offer mystical states, capability to see into the future, or ask for money in change for powers, you are not in the proximity of a true doctor of the soul. Sometimes, money will be requested to help the poor and keep the Master's work. This is rare and voluntary; if you are in an authentic school, there will never be pressure to do this. Most often, it is up to the trainee to resolve to give an offering. Never is money exchanged with the implication of spiritual attainment or favored treatment.

The true scholar seeks the inner development of the student, and once the trainee is strong in their perception, the scholar releases the trainee to travel alone. Spiritual development is not reading books, while books can inspire and be helpful. It is not having your questions answered by the Master, or attending workshops. Spiritual development is awakening and perceiving your own inner spark. This spark, or Light, is always aligned with the higher impulse. The inner development focuses on pushing aside every day concerns, suspending them for a time, so the spiritual impulse will come forward. In most, this impulse is asleep and must be awakened. The task of the scholar is to awaken the inner capacity by showing it to the student.

In authentic schools, students are not taught to live apart for long periods; they are taught to share in the world and lead positively. The gift of awakening is conferred so every one can benefit.

What to Buy?

In today's market, there are numerous spiritual potions and sweet smelling fragrances. One can learn to read palms or cards, see into the future or past, palpate emotional tranquility, operate physical processes and thoughts, and gain an assortment of other skills. Many of these studying experiences have something to teach us, can be lively and fun, and help point toward something higher. However, the trainee must keep in mind, for the most part, these techniques and experiences are not higher knowledge; unless, these experiences show the trainee how to align their own inner spark with the higher impulse and lead to spiritual evolution.

So, when you are signing-up to take a policy at your local New Age center or visiting the corner Palm Reader, remember to ask yourself the following questions.

- What is the outcome of this studying experience?
- Will it help make me a more unblemished someone who is good able to serve others?
- Will it teach me to recognize my own inner spark and help align me with the higher destiny?
- If money is required in change for lively and stimulating learning, reconsider if you were without financial resources, would the services be forthcoming? Without funds, would some suitable chamber be offered?
- For the exact learning, who did the selecting? You or the Teacher?

And depending upon the answers you get, you will good understand what you are buying. Remember, many studying experiences can be useful, lively and help point in the right direction; however, few are higher knowledge and offered by true physicians of the soul.

additional reading Higher Knowledge & Spiritual taste - What to Buy?

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