Monday, September 10, 2012

Developing Your Supernatural Abilities - Answers To 3 Questions On Psychic Self-Defense

No.1 Article of Holistic Center

1. Do citizen have supernatural powers?

The word "supernatural," agreeing to Webster's Dictionary, means "beyond the illustrated observable universe" or "what appears to transcend the laws of nature." However, the word has taken on different connotations today. We tend to think of "supernatural" to mean the same thing as "paranormal," meaning not scientifically explainable. Not exactly the same, but very close.

Holistic Center

For many philosophers and scientists, supernatural abilities are mystical powers. They call to mind ghosts and spirits and things that go bump in the night. They laugh at psychics and mediums. They reduction anything supernatural as phony and deceitful.

Developing Your Supernatural Abilities - Answers To 3 Questions On Psychic Self-Defense

But supernatural abilities aren't so uncommon. Intuition is a supernatural ability. Telepathy, a trait common to many twins, is a supernatural ability. In many ways, creativity is a supernatural ability. These things are not, in fact, super-natural. They are wholly natural, possible human qualities. They lend a sense of wonder and strangeness to life and make the world a magical place.

In history, there are many records of times and events when the supernatural was something to fear and destroy. Burning witches, trials during the Inquisition, even some contemporary persecution reveals a deep-seeded fear of anything we can't illustrate or understand.

Thankfully, contemporary societies are a limited more accepting of the view and a limited more open to exploring its qualities. Some scientists are conducting experiments to document supernatural abilities. And the explosion of television programs about hunting ghosts and exploring the paranormal preserve the view that the supernatural is with us today.

In fact, we all have "supernatural" qualities, that is qualities that seem to transcend the laws of our corporeal universe. Each of us has at their core a spiritual vigor town that radiates about us in what is called an aura. This vigor field or cocoon reflects our normal condition - the aggregate of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

To have a strong wholesome aura, we must be strong, wholesome people. wholesome citizen with good mental attitudes, balanced emotional lives, and spiritual drive have strong involving auras. citizen who are ill, mentally or emotionally distressed, or spiritually poor have weak dark auras. It is possible for negative people, dominated by negative energies and influences, can indubitably drain the vigor from unavoidable citizen and even injure them.

To improve our spiritual energies and our aura, we must rid ourselves of our negative aspects. We must engage in just introspection to recognize harmful view patterns and negative emotions that block us from spiritual growth. We must replace those negative energies with unavoidable energies.

One way to do that is to re-connect with nature. Fresh air and warm sunshine fill us with unavoidable vigor that overwhelms pessimism, anger, and stress. It gives us the opportunity to build our unavoidable energies and cultivate our super-natural abilities. In turn, we are motivated to supervene a wholesome unavoidable lifestyle. The journey toward spiritual increase and a strong wholesome aura begins. And we can begin to organize our psychic self-defense skills.

2. What is psychic self-defense?

People use many different approaches to protect themselves against danger, injury, and harm. We intuitively know when we're in danger. Frequently, that unnamed fear leads us to anxiety and flight. However, it is very foremost to remain calm in these situations.

Psychic attacks, or those times when negative energies or influences assail us, are the frequent causes of such unfocused fear. In order to preclude and avoid negative energies, we must have a strong spiritual core and aura. This requires us to cut and eliminate the negative energies within and to foster our personal unavoidable energies and strength.

In situations where you feel threatened, you may be responding to a psychic attack. Your fear and anxiety indubitably feed the negative energies assaulting you. You must remain calm and unafraid. Keep cool and focused. Use leisure techniques like deep breathing, focusing on pleasant thoughts and memories, and get in touch with your spiritual center. Refuse to focus on the negative, and merge on the positive.

Focus on your surroundings to find unavoidable energies to preserve you. Rely on the power of your wholesome aura to protect you. Do not allow yourself to feel fear or anxiety or you will open the door to negative power.

3. How can I build a stronger aura?

The first step in spiritual development and developing a strong wholesome aura is introspection, eliminating negative energies from your mind, body, and emotions. You must look inside to see where you are being fearful, angry, selfish, or intolerant and smash those emotions and ideas. They are not real. They are by-products of the negative energy. You must cleanse yourself of these and replace them with unavoidable thoughts and emotions. You must change your perspective.

There are many practices and techniques that are sufficient in strengthening the aura. First, and most effective, is meditation. Meditation clears the mind, relaxes the body, and allows you to associate with your spiritual core and your innate super-natural abilities.

Do some personal study in areas that may have seemed "out-there" before. study eastern philosophies, astrology, and paranormal science. Learn what you can about the full range of human qualities so that you can tap into these qualities inside you. Join a yoga class. study holistic healing and herbal remedies to rid your body of chemical medications and clean out contemporary toxins. Try acupuncture to help you learn to relax and to comfort pain without medications.

Fine-tuning the supernatural is largely a matter of getting in touch with the natural. It's reducing and eliminating our dependence on contemporary chemistry and increasing our trust on the healing powers of nature. It's focusing on non-technological activities and interests and returning to more primary arts, music, and creative pursuits. It's learning more about the full range of human abilities and talents and attending less to what academicians and scientists limit us to.

As you broaden your internal horizons and foster your unavoidable spirit-based energies, you'll have a stronger, healthier aura that will protect you from negative energies and psychic attacks.

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