Friday, June 8, 2012

society Based correction Programs

No.1 Article of Holistic Center

Community based revision is a program which is supervised to deal with population who have been convicted or are facing conviction. It is a non-incarcerative system of correction. Late eighties and early nineties have brought a new revolution in the justice system.

Parole and probation have all the time been a way of community correction, but with technological advancement and inspecting the psychology of convicted people, revision programs have widened to accommodate work releases, day fine programs, electronic monitoring, home confinement, community service, half way houses, boot camp prisons, restitution, check-in programs, mediation, curfews, restorative justice centers, drug checks, alcohol checks and other methods where there is a safe bet level of trust between the offenders and the population involved.

Holistic Center

Jail affects a man psychologically and he or she can lose his self esteem which eventually leads to disinterest in general life. Many jail inmates who are there for petty reasons turn to come to be hard core criminals with the firm they get in jails. There are thousands of population in jails and more than 5 times are on probation or parole at any given point of time. 'Jails were never made for people, it were made for crimes,' says a preeminent crime based fiction writer. It is not that jail authorities want to solve the problem of overcrowding of jails straight through community based correction. Any way it is one of the minor reasons which lead to the start of these methods of correction.

society Based correction Programs

Society has valid and legitimate reasons to stay away from offenders but this may turn them towards crime again. Roughly one quarter of population who have spent time in jails return mostly with the same kind of offence or some other type of anti-social activities. Braithwaite put forth the doctrine of restorative justice which advocates a convert of behavior of convicts straight through holistic methods. It works on the principle of reintegration. It is like helping offenders to enter the community in a way where they can be thorough by the society. This system has its impact on the community in general as well, as it helps the community understand and accept the fact that offenders are also a part of the society.

There are some offenders who enter the community based revision programs without entering jails and some serve a part of their sentence in jail before entering the program. We all commit mistakes and get an opportunity to learn and same goes for offenders. The process of learning starts when the man complex comes to know his mistake and accepts it. Eventually, the process may be difficult but it has helped many people, which gives a safe bet signal for other offenders.

society Based correction Programs

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