Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Cause Of Eyebrow Hair Loss: What Can Be Done?

###The Cause Of Eyebrow Hair Loss: What Can Be Done?###

About four million population a year will find themselves facing eyebrow hair loss. It is tasteless to come to be quite concerned about this condition after all, it is a very noticeable area which makes it something many are self known about. Can you learn how to re-grow eyebrow hair? How do you find a solution to this very embarrassing problem?

Wellness Art

Make It Come Back!

The fact is that there are many ways that you can try to get eyebrow hair growth, but it is unlikely that you will find a solution that will work fast or effectively. The question is that for most people, the cause of eyebrow hair loss is that of an autoimmune disease. The condition is called Alopecia Areata and it can affect the eyebrow hair, the scalp hair or virtually any other location on your body that has hair.

Understanding Alopecia

The loss of eyebrow hair is something to be concerned about especially when coupled with other condition issues. But, for most, the symptoms just won't be there. The only thing you will consideration is a loss of hair. If you have this happen on your scalp, it will likely form a circle the size of a nickel or quarter of baldness. The cause of eyebrow loss, eyelash loss or loss of hair on your scalp is not something to worry about if it is Alopecia Areata, though.

Bacteria Or Hair Follicle?

This condition is one that affects about four million population each year. The cause of this hair loss is really a case of mistaken identity. Your body's immune principles mistakenly thinks that the hair follicle is bacteria and tries to protect the body from it by attacking it. Unfortunately, when this happens, you lose the hair. Scientists are still unsure of why this happens or even why it happens to one person and not to the next.

Fix It!

Eyebrow hair increase is not something that you can turn on and off, even if you want to. If you are experiencing hair loss due to Alopecia or for an additional one healing condition, it will take time for your hair to re-grow and there is diminutive that you can do to make it happen any faster.

The good news is that if you are suffering from Alopecia, the stem cells in your hair follicle are not affected by the white blood cells of your immune principles attacking. Therefore, your hair should continue to grow once your new cells have been formed and grows a new hair.

If you are suffering from stress or a insufficiency in your diet, this too can lead to eyebrow hair loss. If this is the case, the only way to fix it is to stop what is happening to you by eating a well balanced diet or by reducing your stress load. In any case, if you are facing eyebrow hair loss, it's prominent to keep your physician in the loop as it can be a sign of something more serious although in most cases it is nothing but your body fighting itself.

The Cause Of Eyebrow Hair Loss: What Can Be Done?

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