Thursday, June 7, 2012

Melaleuca product recapitulate - Scam Or Great Products?

###Melaleuca product recapitulate - Scam Or Great Products?###

The enterprise was founded in 1985 when it was taken over by Frank Sloot who got rid of the previous enterprise and name and brought the company's goods line into compliance with Fda regulations. The enterprise is now one of Idaho's largest secretly owned companies. The enterprise has established the Melaleuca Foundation, which is currently supporting an orphanage in Quito, Ecuador. So I can see that the enterprise has a caring heart.

Wellness Art

Melaleuca is also the name of a type of plant that has an important oil called Ti tree (aka tea tree). Some habitancy misspell it as "melaluca" or "malaluca". I have used tea tree oil products for many years on my horses as a topical rehabilitation since it has great natural antibacterial and antifungal effects. Tea tree oil can be purchased from most any drug store or pet store for just a few dollars. One intelligent fact is that the melaleuca plant is a valued plant in Australia and Hawaii, but is an invasive weed in some areas such as Florida where it is costing the state of Florida hundreds of thousands of dollars to try and remove.

The Melaleuca Wellness enterprise line of products includes over 300 items. These items comprise household cleaners, personal care items, candles, hygiene products, nutritional products, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The enterprise claims to have great environmentally kindly products.


First let me state that this recapitulate is Not a scientific recapitulate of the Melaleuca products.

I don't doubt that the Melaleuca enterprise is a great enterprise and that they have some undoubtedly nice products that are best than your mean drug store products. I do not think that Melaleuca is a fraud or a scam. I just do not feel that their dietary supplements are for me and my family. Even Epa certified environmentally safe does not mean that a goods is biologically safe. A past university pharmacy professor of mine once said that "what is safe for the environment can sometimes be extremely toxic to humans."

When I looked at the ingredient list for the Melaleuca health supplements, I saw some chemicals that made me cringe. Each supplement that I looked at the label of, along with even their children's health goods line, had bad or even toxic chemicals. I saw ingredients such as

sucralose (not to be confused with sucrose) fructose silicon dioxide ! chromium chloride !
Chromium Chloride is so toxic that it is on the hazardous Substance List! It is known to exhibit genotoxic, mutagenic, teratogenic (reproductive hazard) effects on the body. If you check the Material protection Data Sheet (Msds) for chromium chloride you can find it has a Ld50, referring to its lethal dose in order to kill 50% of a mouse habitancy in studies. So could their child vitamin kill your kid if your kid got into the bottle and ate too much?

Silicon dioxide is found in many supplements from any store. It is not "toxic", but I found it intelligent that All of the supplement labels for Melaleuca that I looked at...had this ingredient. Even the kids products had this ingredient. Silicon dioxide is the chemical name for Sand, just as sodium chloride the chemical name for salt. Now silicon dioxide is not harmful, but I don't understand why the need to put it into all of their products. One intelligent fact about silicon dioxide is that it is the active combination in scouring cleaners, and is also used to make computer chips and many kinds of glass as well.

While I was on the Melaleuca legal website, I found that they have a letter that lists the products that do not comprise any ingredients found on the prohibited substance list published by the World Anti-Doping Code. Since not all of the products were listed, it means that in some of their supplements they do use ingredients that are on the World Anti-Doping prohibited substance list. This does not necessarily mean that those supplements will kill you, but if it is internationally illegal for an Olympic athlete to use some of the Melaleuca supplements, then that should say something.

Business Opportunity

Their compensation plan was not for me. Among many companies, I looked into Melaleuca at one time as a possible money manufacture opportunity so that I could earn a residual income, since so many habitancy are finding for ways to work from home. But when I found out that you have to have over 2500 habitancy in your assosication in the Melaleuca enterprise in order to make a six frame income, I lost interest in the enterprise opportunity immediately.

I found another opportunity to work from home that pays a whole lot more for my time and is a lot easier for lowly habitancy to do successfully.

My Conclusion

I can safely say that Melaleuca nutritional supplements were not for me and my family. I found a best supplement that I am extremely happy with. I have friends that use the Melaleuca products and I feel that the Melaleuca vitamins are best than your health food store vitamins and minerals, but I know that there are best out there. Why not use the very best?

The Melaleuca Alternative

A unique supplement that is used by hundreds of Olympic athletes!

I found an alternative goods to Melaleuca that I undoubtedly like! I get my supplements from a solid study and development enterprise that has the shop on a unique niche in organic supplementation. While just finding for a health goods to help my house with some health challenges, I happened across a great opportunity to get paid to share a goods that I undoubtedly love. I help others feel great about their health and energy. I get Free supplements now and I look and feel years younger! It is fun, rewarding and after a few years of hard work put in, can return you a nice residual income.

Everybody wants good health and more energy. I have been intelligent glyconutrients supplements for a few years now and am extremely happy with my power boost, immune system, and great health.

Melaleuca product recapitulate - Scam Or Great Products?

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