Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ayurvedic Cure for Parkinson's Disease

--Holistic Massage of Ayurvedic Cure for Parkinson's Disease--

my review here Ayurvedic Cure for Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease (Paralysis agitans) as described by James Parkinson in 1817 is characterized by degeneration of central nervous tissues, affecting the motor skills of a person, thereby impairing his (rarely her) movements and speech.

Ayurvedic Cure for Parkinson's Disease

Kampa vata described in Ayurveda is similar to Parkinson's disease. Kampa means vibration or shaking (as in an earth quake). Ayurvedic texts divulge the symptoms as constant shaking or tremor of limbs and/or head, mystery in body movements, mystery in speaking, expressionless face and staring like look.

Parkinson's disease affects about 1% of people of people aged 65 and above. It is less tasteless in developing and underdeveloped countries. The record of similar type disease in aged Ayurvedic scripts suggests such a disease existed 2,000 to 3,000 years ago.

Modern researches on Parkinson's disease practically revolve round an citation from an Ayurvedic herb. Levodopa or L-Dopa gift in Mucuna pruriens is in fact converted to dopamine at brain. This is especially useful in the rehabilitation of Parkinson's disease. (More info at

Synthetic L-Dopa brings with it several side-effects, while Mucuna pruriens preparation gives complete benefits of best Parkinson's cure with a petite side effects like. The side effects of Mucuna prurens preparations are minimal when compared to artificial levadopa. One leading preparation in this regard is Hp200 mucuna pruriens powder ready in Indian market, which has been beloved by Food and Drugs management of India.

Ayurvedic rehabilitation for Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease Ayurveda rehabilitation aims at balancing disturbed vata. Massage therapy, enema, medication methods are applied. In increasing to Mucuna pruriens (known by names violet bean, cowhage, naikkurana and kaunch beej), Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), Sida cordifolia are the prime herbs usable in Parkinson's disease Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurvedic Parkinson's rehabilitation utilizes a holistic approach. The holistic rehabilitation regime has great chances of success. Pacification of vata at the digestive tract is important. Mild laxatives are used for colon cleansing, generally to operate vata aggravation.

Rigidity associated with Parkinson's disease is due to entry of vayu to mamsa. To relive rigidity, one has to be given nervine tonics (Jatamansi and Shanka pushpi) are examples. Depression is due to vata entering nervous system, which can be controlled by accepted drugs like Hydrocotyle asiatica or Hypericum perforatum.

Ayurveda Parkinson's disease rehabilitation is not just about applying certain medicines or drugs to pacify the symptoms of the disease. Parkinson's disease Ayurveda rehabilitation is a concerted attempt to accurately recognize the exact conjecture of the imbalance and offer carport clarification to the problem.

This holistic approach makes use of meditation as a self pathology tool. Parkinson's disease occurs due to imbalances in mind, body or soul. Yoga and meditation helps the man to accurately focus on the right conjecture for the condition. It can sometimes be physical, mental or spiritual. Identifying the cause makes the cure as easy as possible.

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  1. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a year ago at the age of 69. For several months I had noticed tremors in my right hand and the shaking of my right foot when sitting, as the disease progressed i totally lost balance. Neurologist had me walk down the hall and said I didn't swing my right arm. I had never noticed! I was in denial for a while as there is no history in my family. I used amantadine, Carbidopa/levodopa and physical therapy to strenghten muscles all failed. In 2016 a friend suggested Newife Heral Clinic who have successful heral treatment for Parkinson's disease, i contacted the heral clinic via their website and purchased the Parkinson's disease herbal supplement, i used the herbs for 7 weeks and my symptoms were reveresed. Its been 6 months no sign of parkinson's disease, contact this herbal clinic via their email (newlifeherbal @ or visit their website (www. newlifeherbalclinic. weebly. com)

  2. I was diagnosed of Parkinson's disease following a neurological examination and other series of tests, my symptoms first appeared in February 2014 tremor in both limbs, rigid muscle, impaired posture.. all medication prescribed were not working and i sadly took off from my job, being a single mother with two kids it was almost a hopeless situation. In September 2016, i read about Dr Abumere herbal center in a health forum, this herbal center have successful parkinson's disease herbal treatment and treatment for other list of terminal diseases, i contacted the herbal center via their email and purchased the parkinson's disease herbal remedy. I received the parkinson's disease herbal remedy via courier and immediately commenced usage. I used the remedy for 14 days, all my symptoms including tremor gradually disappeared till i almost forgot i had the disease, i have started working again, thanks to Dr Abumere herbal center. abumereherbalcentre@ gmail. com Parkinson's disease is not a death sentence, don't die believing there is no cure, its a final breakthrough for all living with parkinson's disease.

  3. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in my mid to late 40's. I had hand tremors for several years. Gradually became worse. I then noticed when I was tired the tremors were worse. I started falling for no apparent reason. I now have stiffness in my legs and need to walk with 2 canes or a walker. I am very slow getting around. I am now 52 years old. I am forgetful at times and have difficulty expressing myself. I have difficulty swallowing at times. I become tired easily, I also become quite dizzy when performing any athletic function (jogging). I was on Levodopa/Carbidopa, 100/25. nothing was really working to help my condition. Finally i started on parkinson's natural herbal formula i ordered from Health HERBAL CLINIC, i read alot of great reviews from other patients who used the parkinson's herbal treatment. My symptoms totally declined over a 4-5 weeks use of the Health herbal clinic Parkinsons disease natural herbal formula. , its effects on parkinson's is amazing, all My symptoms gradually faded away, I have been active and hope to continue! Visit www. healthherbalclinic. net or email at Info@ healthherbalclinic. net I recommend this Parkinson's herbal formula for all Parkinson's Patients.

  4. My husband is 80 years and has been suffering from PD for the past 15 years. Lately he started hallucinating and I didn't know how to handle the situation. He cannot sleep and tried to find and catch the imaginary people who he thinks are real. he was taken Entacapone with Levodopa, Carbidopa, and Pramipexole and started physical therapy to strengthen muscles. nothing was really working to help his condition.I took him off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started him on parkinson’s herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, his symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the Parkinsons disease natural herbal formula.i read reviews from other previous patients who used the herbal formula, my husband is now active, he can now go about daily exercise!! his symptoms so much reduced that now I hardly notice them.Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net com or email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net
