Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oils Good For Constipation

--Holistic Massage of Oils Good For Constipation--

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Some oils good for constipation include pumpkin seed oil, sesame seed oil, peanut oil and walnut oil. While a daily spoonful of oil, e.g. Sesame oil mixed in warm water, forms a simple, effective home remedy for constipation, this narrative introduces a way you can use seeds (containing some of the above oils) to make a paste that you can store and eat when necessary.

Oils Good For Constipation

Remedy Containing Oils Good for Constipation

Pine Seed and Walnut Paste


Raw pine seeds (500 grams), raw walnut kernels (500 grams), candied honey (250 grams).


1. Crush the pine seeds and walnut kernels in a mortar and pestle.

2. Place the seeds/kernels in a bowl and mix in the honey to form a paste.

3. Steam the paste till the seeds are cooked.

4. When cool, store in a sealed jar in the fridge.


Take one tablespoon of paste before morning meal and again before bed. Consume with a small glass of warm-hot (Not cold) water if you wish. Continue daily till your bowels return to normal.

This paste contains just two oils good for constipation - I have written someone else EzineArticles.com narrative about a similar paste made from pumpkin and sesame seeds, for the same purpose of lubricating your intestines to comfort constipation.

Note: For constipation remedies to work well you may need to adjust your diet. In particular your must stop eating colon-clogging junk foods. Some foods to ease constipation include apples, papaya and bananas and vegetables like carrot,
cabbage and leafy green vegetables like spinach. Massage helps with constipation too - the Ab Lift, for instance, (see below link) is a very effective practice that massages your internal organs and stimulates your bowels.


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