Monday, July 23, 2012

Can a Laxative Help Your Colon Cleanse?

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There are many products these days claiming they will help you colon cleanse or body cleanse. Cleansing, as it turns out, is big money. This is why pharmaceutical associates are creating their versions of cleansing products.

Can a Laxative Help Your Colon Cleanse?

Unfortunately, in order for you to see quick results, laxatives are added to many cleansing products. This would lead one to believe the stock literally works... but a laxative, nature made or not, can be habit forming, bringing the opposite follow desired by those who cleanse.

True cleansing will help the body release the buildup of toxins and mucoid plaque in the small intestine. As the process continues and your body becomes "cleaner," it will become stronger. Also, a cleaner body is more efficient. This leads to better health, naturally.

To understand the difference, it is best to know how supplements work. A laxative works because it is a mild toxin. This toxin enters your body, your body recognizes it as a toxin and reacts. The response is to send "water" from throughout your body to your intestine or colon water down the toxin, then spasms start in order to move the toxin out. This is why cramping often occurs, though some may not even feel it. This can be very dehydrating in the long run. It doesn't matter if the laxative is a pharmaceutical or "natural."

The natural toxin most used in a colon cleanse is an herb called senna. This can be habit forming. In fact, it only takes a few days to become dependent on it. If you do use a stock with senna, it is best to gradually "wean" yourself off the product, not just suddenly stop using it. This could lead to constipation as your body has become accustomed to being forced to work.

Herbs such as cascara sagrada, triphala, and buckthorn bark are mild stimulants and work better for a cleanse. These stimulate the release of natural hormonal oils in the intestinal tract, which then leads to peristalsis (muscular contractions of the digestive tract). As you conclude your colon cleanse using this type of herb, your ideas will have a better opportunity to work on its own without a toxin. Take extra precaution by using your colon cleanse long adequate to remove waste and continue to eat wholesome after the cleanse.

While you quest for the right colon cleanse product, check the ingredients. A good body cleansing schedule is designed to sustain your body's natural quality to cleanse. Herbs provided added nutrition to help your organs do their job. And don't be in a hurry, it can take 10-30 years to build up the excess waste, so it may take some time to undo the damage.

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