Friday, July 27, 2012

Autism Causes And Effects

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Do you know about - Autism Causes And Effects

Holistic Arts! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Autism causes are still a difficulty however evidence is pointing to the fact that there are huge unexplained increases in incidence of autism ( over 287%) and that very often it happens in clusters i.e. Groups of children are diagnosed with autism in the same geographic area.

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How is Autism Causes And Effects

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Holistic Arts.

Suggestions as to why this is the case are debatable. Theories are based on chromosome abnormalities. This may mean the siblings of a child with autism are 75 times more likely to design it themselves. Other school of thinking is that there is some damage from the environment and Dr Andrew Wakefield has presented evidence to support his consulation that vaccines are at least a contributing factor. Especially the Mmr vaccine.

Autism can vary in the way it effects habitancy and also the severity. Prognosis is placed on something referred to as the 'Autistic Spectrum'. Milder forms of the health comprise Asperger's syndrome.

The types of symptoms that come with autism might comprise difficulties in communicating socially and not being able to present with others in accepted ways. Autism affects the capability to form friendships and relationships. Very often in the developmental stages of childhood, play is affected and sometimes habitancy with autism find it difficult to associate with the 'real world' so to speak.
Very often the Prognosis of autism isn't made until the child grows older and there may be showing signs of not developing at check ups and ordinarily this is indicated by their group behaviour. When the child starts school these symptoms are often perceived as behaviour problems such as possessive or repetitive behaviours, often they have difficulty in adapting to changes in routine. Their coordination may be poor either with movement or holding pens and such like. In some cases the child may have difficulty in manufacture friends at school and in part this is due to the inability to read non-verbal transportation form others and answer appropriately. In many cases the child develops other learning difficulties that can then follow them straight through life. however children with autism may be gifted in a confident area like art, mathematics or music for example.

In desperation many parents turn to prescribed medication to help the problem. however there are side effects with drug management and often the side effects can be as provocative as the first problems. There are however many natural approaches to supporting someone with autism and these are very affective when used with the private behaviours of the someone concerned in mind.

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