Sunday, July 22, 2012

How Alternative treatment Can Help With Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

--Holistic Massage of How Alternative treatment Can Help With Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction--

my latest blog post How Alternative treatment Can Help With Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

The Sphincter of Oddi, named after Ruggero Oddi, an Italian anatomist who described this structure in 1887, is the muscle valve that regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum (beginning of the small intestine). Regulation of the Sphincter of Oddi is fulfilled, straight through the nervous law and the blood by extra messengers- digestive hormones.

How Alternative treatment Can Help With Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

If there is no food in the intestine, the Sphincter of Oddi valve remains closed. Bile is retained in the gallbladder and pancreatic juice is retained in the pancreas. Spasms or blockage of this valve may cause bile and pancreatic juice to back up.
If a tiny number of bile gets into the pancreatic duct, serious trouble can ensue. Bile can activate digestive enzymes inside the pancreas and these enzymes start to digest their own pancreatic cells, causing pain, congestion, inflammation and even the death of pancreatic tissue. This is referred to as pancreatitis.

The blockages of the Sphincter of Oddi by tumors, large gallbladder stones, or scars after inflammation, honestly need surgery. The number of individuals with these problems is relatively small, but millions of Americans suffer from occasional transient spasms of the Sphincter of Oddi with pain, nausea and bloating. In most situations, their tests are normal and these individuals get labeled with acid reflux disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs), stomach flu, food poisoning or other diseases.

Many of those ppersons have type Iii Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (Sod). According to statistic information, the prevalence of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction in the normal population is 1.5%. It can mean that 4.5 million population in the Us suffer from Sod.

A lack of proper rehabilitation of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction can later cause serious complications like pancreatitis and gallbladder inflammation.
Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction can affect children, women after age 40, overweight individuals and population after abdominal surgeries. For example, statistics show that almost 20% of individuals with pain after gallbladder dismissal have the Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction.

Why does the Sphincter of Oddi come to be spasmodic? The talk depends on many reasons if we put into inventory the very complex regulation of this sphincter by the nervous law and extra blood messengers - digestive hormones. Here are some examples of what can make the Sphincter of Oddi spasm:

• Stress, depression and anxiety
• Poor eating habits such as "eating on the go", eating while watching television, irregular diets, dieting, fasting and wrong combinations of foods such as mixing fatty foods with starches and sugars
• Drugs, some medication, alcohol and nicotine
• Harsh, oppressive and repetitive "liver cleansing"
• Hormonal imbalance such as lower thyroid function or menopause
• "Aggressive" acidic bile with sand, sludge, gallbladder stones and more
Usually we can see combinations of these factors in predisposed individuals with overweight issues, sedentary lifestyles and stress for long periods of time.

The approved American Diet, which is full of processed and acidic foods (meat, sugars, alcohol, animal fats, white flour, etc.) causes acidity in the whole body. The approved American Diet leads to acidic conditions in the bile and pancreatic juice as well. The bile becomes acidic and the number of bile acids in the bile increases as well. Bile acids are very aggressive substances; they irritate the wall of the Sphincter of Oddi causing muscle contractions - spasms.

3-4 liters of mixed pancreatic juice and bile trip straight through the Sphincter of Oddi daily. Acidification of these fluids makes them very "aggressive," corroding and irritating for surrounding tissues, particularly the Sphincter of Oddi. Putting into inventory that bile is a vehicle for removing toxic chemicals such as bile pigments, heavy metals, drugs, medications and poisons from the body, and that bile ducts and the gallbladder often harbor parasites, there is no ask that the Sphincter of Oddi is an easy target for irritation. Additionally, alcohol, unhealthy foods, irregular eating and improper food combinations cause chaos in the normal functioning of the Sphincter of Oddi as well.

The most base and leading symptom of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction is upper abdominal pain. This is often experienced as a sharp pain in the middle of the abdomen right below the rib cage. Pain can be severe in nature, bring population to the hospital and wish pain medication. But in many cases, pain may be mild and usually does not need painkillers. Symptoms of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction are divided as biliary pain and pancreatic pain.

Symptoms of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction Biliary Abdominal Pain include:
• Biliary pain felt in the middle or right part of the upper abdomen
• Pain radiating on the back at the lower tip of the scapula or right shoulder
• Pain accompanied often by bloating, nausea and vomiting
• Pain precipitated by fatty food or alcohol intake
• Pain varying in intensity and lasting everywhere from 15 minutes to 4-5 hours

Symptoms of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction Pancreatic Abdominal Pain include:
• Pain placed in the upper abdomen on the left or right side
• Pain radiating directly straight through the abdomen to the back
• Pain accompanied often by bloating, nausea, and vomiting
• Pain precipitated by incorrect food combinations of protein/fat/starch/sugar food or consumption of alcohol

Non-drug holistic approaches may be helpful. Holistic remedies for medical of the Sphincter Oddi Dysfunction Type Iii are widely used in many countries throughout the world.

The medical program of the Sphincter Oddi Dysfunction type Iii may consist of some actions:
• medical Customized Diet
• Drinking medical mineral water prepared from genuine Karlovy Vary spring salt
• European Whole Body Cleansing straight through the resumption of cordial Intestinal Flora and Colon Hydrotherapy
• Anti-Candida Program
• Acupuncture
• Herbal Medicine
• Nutritional Supplementation
• Chiropractic Manipulations
• Visceral Massage
• Relaxation, Meditation, Hypnosis, practice Hypnosis Cds

Healing courses of alternative and holistic rehabilitation can be used separately or as complementary approaches to primary medicine.

The information on this narrative is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, rehabilitation and guidance of a distinguished licensed medical professional.

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