Monday, July 16, 2012

Lean Methodology Faqs

#1. Lean Methodology Faqs

Lean Methodology Faqs

1. What is the history of Lean Manufacturing?

Lean Methodology Faqs

After the Second World War, Japanese manufacturers were facing diminished human, material, and financial resources. These circumstances led to the development of new, lower cost, manufacturing practices. Early Japanese manufacturers such as the Toyota Motor industrialized a disciplined, process-focused production system now known as the Lean production (also known as Toyota production System). The objective of this system was to minimise the consumption of resources that added no value to a product.

The Lean manufacturing conception was popularized in large part by the Massachusetts establish of Technology study of the movement from mass production toward Lean production as described in the book: The motor That Changed the World, (Womack, Jones & Roos, 1990). This book described the foremost elements accounting for superior carrying out as Lean production. The term Lean was used because such firm methods used less human effort, capital investment, floor space, materials, and time in all aspects of operations.

2. What are the other names of Lean?

Lean is also known as:

- Toyota production System

- World Class Manufacturing System

- Just In Time System

3. What are the 5 Key system of Lean Thinking?

The key to Lean mental is driven by the following 5 key principles. In adopting a holistic approach to Lean which encompasses the 5 system and deploying Lean tools and techniques to moderately eliminate waste, an organisation gets progressively Lean.

Principle 1 - Value

Identify and generate products or services that add value to a client's objectives, ensuring full buyer pleasure and beyond.

Principle 2 - Value Stream

Identify the vital steps that facilitate an efficient production or assistance line workflow, and also the unnecessary steps that result in waste. Optimise workflow through eliminating the non-value steps and generate a value stream.

Principle 3 - Flow

Eliminate steps in the workflow that potentially cause interruption, bottlenecks, delay or destruction. generate efficient steps without these negative effects to form a value flow.

Principle 4 - Pull

Supply only upon demand. Furnish only when the buyer pulls, so that no resources are wasted.

Principle 5 - Perfection

Strive for perfection by continually removing successive layers of waste as they are uncovered.

4. How to summarize Lean in one sentence?

A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste (non-value-added activities) through continual correction by flowing value at the pull of the buyer in pursuit of perfection.

5. Is Lean applicable only to manufacturers?

Although Lean originated from the manufacturing sectors, Lean solutions and tools can be customised to cater to any possible situation in an organisation, be it manufacturing or service. Lean can be applied in a flexible manner to accomplish efficient results regardless of the type of industries, or size of a company. To date Lean has been implemented by manufacturing and assistance organizations, communal sectors throughout the world.

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